SMS courses in USA





Education - trainer, therapist and teacher                                                    

Course 1 + 2:  Trainer




  • explanation of the term spiral stabilization at the level of the muscle apparatus and the direction of movement
  • demonstration of the main effect of spiral stabilization - traction of the spine
  • postural reaction
  • reciprocal inhibition in the joint and muscle chains
  • relation between movement, the muscle apparatus and the spine
  • traction on the level of the spinous processes, intervertebral joint and disc
  • spiral stabilization of walking, running, work, exercise
  • arch of the foot, halux valgus
  • clarifikation of the content of other courses
Prevention and treatment:
  • use of the exercises for prevention and teatment of malfunktions of the spine in the back (and neck) - examples
  • hip joint and knee joint artrosis, preparation for TEP and folowing care
  • flat foot and hallux valgus

Course 3 + 4: Therapist

  • movements analysis - tensed, shortened, weakened muscles, malfunktion of movement
  • coordination
  • dokumentation of SM method
  • cardiovascular training - principles
  • functional anatomy
Prevention and teatment:
  • disc hemiation, acute stage, chonic pain in lower back and neck area
  • spinal stenosis
  • problems after surgery of the spine - FB syndrom (failed back surgery syndrome)
  • scoliosis - introduction of problematic

Course 5 + 6: Teacher

  • negative factors leading to headaches and vertigo
  • stabilization of walking, running
  • facilitation using the SM method - use in neurorehabilitation
  • positive factors improving the movement of athletes
  • negative factors worsening the movement of athletes and leading to the overburdening of the movement apparatus and premature degeneration

Prevention and treatment:
  • headaches and vertigo
  • concentration difficulties, fatigue, slight depression
  • Morbus Scheurmann
  • Parkinson´s disease, neuropathy, sclerosis multiplex, myopathia, transversal spinal lesion, apoplexy
  • application of the method to sports



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